Which is more intelligent a human brain or a computer
Many believe true intelligence will require a greater understanding of the human cognitive process.The brain exceeds the most powerful computers in efficiency human thinking takes vastly less computational effort to arrive at the same conclusions.Human brain has about 100 billion neurons which are often compared to gates in computers.It is much easier and faster for the brain to learn new things.The brain requires less power than a lightbulb.
Is a brain smarter than a computer?That explains why you can still read a book even if you're very tired.The most powerful computer known is the brain.Humans are more powerful than.Computer intelligence versus human intelligence intelligent systems (both natural and artificial) have several key features.
(1)computer is the most intelligent device.but keep in mind that its a device and it need support of a human.Since an intelligent neural network would be just a computer simulation, we could run it as fast as the hardware would allow us to do.Some intelligence features are more developed in a human's brain;Yet, the computer can do many complex tasks at the same time (multitasking) that are difficult for the brain.A human brain, on the other hand, requires roughly 10 watts.