Why you should not chase happiness
It's these truths that will help you to stop the chase and welcome in the joy.Until happiness eventually comes, either artificially or naturally, you will stay miserable because you have refused to accept.Then go out and live it.People will respect you more for it.If you don't stop and think too much and just go from high to next high then you won't have many doubts, you won't question too much because everything feels great.
It's why people are shopping/drug/sex/food addicts.Why you shouldn't chase happiness because happiness isn't a measurable entity, it's a terrible goal.We can't force ourselves to feel happy but we can set up the optimal conditions for that.If you want to be happy, you need to stop chasing happiness.People covet those who chase money.
Don't settle for trying to fit into the mold of what people define as 'normal.' normal is overrated anyway.Vice versa, simply doing what makes you truly happy will draw in those who are doing the same.Eventually, the high of the new item wears off.It's these truths that will help you to stop the chase and welcome in the joy.Do not underestimate the power of manifestation.
Trying to achieve a better understanding of the world around you will always beat trying to feel happy about yourself.When you blame other people or circumstances for the bad things.It's suffocating and too forceful.This idea is mythic if not utop.Happiness is the absence of negative emotions.
We all tend to think that the more money we have, the happier we'll be, as if money and happiness are directly correlated.