What is the solve a simpler problem strategy
The following strategies can help you navigate through potential solutions to find the one that works best in almost any situation.Most people only focus on finding solutions.Problem solving activities used at this stage often have a focus on creating frank, open discussion so that potential problems can be brought to the surface.According to carella, creative problem solving is the mental process used for generating innovative and imaginative ideas as a solution to a problem or a challenge.This is all well and good, but how do you actually do these steps?!?!
It helps keep groups on track, and enables a thorough investigation of the problem and solution search.The marshmallow challenge helps teams confront assumptions.Look back on your work.Using a creative, analytical approach to problem solving is an intuitive and reliable process.Understand the problem when someone presents you with a problem, it can be tempting to dive right in and start solving.
Identify the problem and its cause in order to solve a complex problem, it's often helpful to clearly identify the problem and determine its cause.You could use a flathead screwdriver to unscrew a phillips head screw, but there is a better tool for the situation.It's called the ideal approach of problem solving.