How do mixed grade classes work
The reality is a straight grade can have just a big of an ability spread as a combination classroom.Tip #2 continuum of learning this is the reason a split works so well.Initially, i was teaching a traditional 1 st grade class.You will still be expected to complete the same amount of work that you would if you were in a traditional class.However, the information is not always correct or there is so much how does one person really sift through it to find the answer that they are looking for.
Again, this can work successfully using mixed groups where the stronger help the weaker, but another approach is to form groups that are at approximately the same level and assign different tasks that are appropriate to the level of each group.So each teacher will get students that are high, average, and lBy the second week of school, each kindergarten and 1 st grade class had 28 or 29 students (24 is cap for our county).The core element of cooperative learning is to showcase the positive effects of interdependence while underlining the importance of personal responsibility.Those teacher sit down with feeder cards that have student information on them, such as gender, academic levels, behavior ratings, etc.
Cooperative learning is based on group work, but it's also so much more than that.This may be due to the shy nature of the less advanced students or because they are very aware that they are not the top students in the class and are scared of getting the answer wrong.In my county, combination classes are a numbers game.