Who was God s first creation
There was no time before time was created!Then god said, let there be light;Then god said, 'let there be light';There was nothing—not even light—until god created it on the first day of creation.How long did it take?
On the first day, god created light in the darkness.. is when time began!God formed an expanse, or a division between water on earth's surface and water high above its surface.—.And because god is the creator of life, we as members of humanity have a duty to care for all lives.Finally, god created man so that he could pour out his love upon them within the bond of loving relationship and communion.
Preeminence the greek word for firstborn is prototokos, a term with roots in the old testament.Moses' purpose was that in thinking about the creation account and in observing the world around us, we should focus on the greatness of god who brought it all into being through the word of his power.In the second story, god, now referred to by the personal name yahweh, creates adam, the first man, from dust and places him in the garden of eden, where he is given dominion over the animals.In the beginning god created the heavens and the earth..The creative week (genesis 1:1 to genesis 2:3).
According to our savior, god's day of rest was made for humans (mark 2:28).Taking care of creation was one of mankind's first jobs (genesis 2:15).The following points indisputably refute the witness claim.The watchtower dogma, that jesus was the first being createdby the father and, therefore, he is not eternalin his nature, is a totally false teaching.